If You Like: Jo Nesbo’s The Snowman

If you like reading Jo Nesbo, then you’ll like The Snowman. Nesbo is a Norwegian best-selling author of crime novels, particularly the Harry Hole series. His plots are always complex and suspenseful, often with many layers and a twist (or two). The movie does the book justice. You definitely have to pay attention; there are lots of characters and plot twists. If you don’t know Harry Hole, you’ll be catching up on his odd quirks, too, which adds to the story.  Michael Fassbender does a great job in the role and is just how I pictured Harry. The setting of Oslo is spectacular. Some of Movie Junkie’s clients have said they didn’t like it, but Kaycee think that’s because they expected a class horror. This movie is a psychological thriller, with some gruesome scenes, but it’s not a horror. Some critics have called it “serviceable” but others say “watchable.” So the movie might not win awards, but Cee really liked it because she’s a huge Jo Nesbo fan. If you’re one those, you might like The Snowman a lot too. Or you’ll just have fun guessing who the perp is and watching Harry Hole.

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