If You Like: Mark Felt…

…If you like history and based-on-fact movies, you will like Mark Felt. If you are as old as Cee, you’ll remember the Watergate and Iran/Contra Affair as if it were yesterday! If you’re as young as Kay, you’ll remember the events as part of the United States of America history. You might recall the informant known as “Deep Throat” who helped the journalists, Woodward and Bernstein, bring down the Nixon administration in the U.S. (Remember the movie All the President’s Men? Same history!) For over thirty years after Nixon resigned and the scandal had died away, no one knew that retired FBI Director Mark Felt was actually “Deep Throat.” There were rumours, of course, but he didn’t confirm his role until 2005. Liam Neeson is a great actor and he does a fabulous job as Mark Felt. He even looks like Felt’s Wikipedia picture! The story is fascinating, a glimpse into that time from another perspective. Mark Felt, as portrayed in the movie, was a dedicated agent who believed in the right and, indeed the responsibility, of the FBI to remain neutral from politics. He believed neutrality was the only path to objectively hunting down criminal activity. Mark Felt, the movie, seems even more relevant today. Kaycee predict you will like the film!

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