Brawl in Cell Block 99: If You Like…

…Vince Vaughn. Extreme, pointless violence. Vince Vaughn. Grunts, Sling-blade talk, mushed-up body parts. Vince Vaughn. Revenge movies. Vince Vaughn. Then you might like Brawl. Seriously, many critics loved it. Kay and Cee did not. Jonathan Pile said: After a slow start, “the film starts to mutate from the gritty drama of its first hour, to a balls-out, grindhouse-inspired thrill-ride, where arms can be snapped in two and Don Johnson is a sadistic prison warden.” Jeanette Catsoulis in the NY Times, said, “Bradley, stripped to a single, galvanizing intention to save his kidnapped wife (Jennifer Carpenter) and unborn daughter by killing a high-value inmate never loses our sympathy.” Kay says it’s so over-the-top it’s ridiculous. Cee says it’s boring and icky. But hey, somebody out there likes it. Owen Gleiberman said: “…an audience of Euro swells in tuxedoes and five-inch heels gave the movie, and its star, a standing ovation. They were applauding the film’s — and Vaughn’s — conviction, as well as the vise-like grip of its how-dark-is-this-gonna-get? suspense.”

There you go. Kaycee doesn’t always get it right.